Collection: Faraday & Security products - For protection and privacy

Shield your home and personal devices with our comprehensive Faraday and security solutions. Our advanced technology provides superior EMF protection and data privacy, preventing unauthorized access and data breaches. Faraday cages and bags block signals to safeguard smartphones, laptops, and key fobs from remote hacking attempts. Privacy safeguards, like secure containers and covers, protect sensitive information from electronic eavesdropping. By creating a secure environment for your devices, you can reduce risks associated with identity theft and data hacking. 

Earthing Mat / Grounding Mat NZ

Our most popular product, the Earthing Mat, enhances sleep by grounding you directly to the Earth. If you are looking to improve your sleeping, look no further!

Our Earthing Mat NZ is the most popular grounding mat by far. Over 90% of people find they are sleeping well after just a couple of nights of being connected to the Earth. These Earthing mats are the never version of the Earthing sheet. The mat has a 100% conductive surface, as opposed to Earthing sheets that are only 5% conductive.

Are you seeking help with aches and pains or, chronic pain or reducing inflammation in the body? Check out what our customers are saying about their experience here.

Grab the package deal and SAVE $79. The package includes one large Earthing mat and Grounding pillow covers.