Creating your sleeping sanctuary for a good night's sleep

I was struggling to get to sleep. I tossed and turned for hours, but my mind wouldn't shut off. I kept thinking about the day's events, replaying conversations, and worrying about the future. No matter how hard I tried, sleep just wouldn't come.

I tried counting sheep, drinking warm milk, and reading a book - nothing seemed to work. I felt like I was stuck in an endless cycle of sleeplessness.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity of trying to fall asleep, I decided to take matters into my own hands. I started researching natural remedies for insomnia and stumbled upon some interesting techniques that could help me finally get some restful sleep.

Does this sound like you? If it does, you are not alone. One New Zealand-based study found that as many as a quarter of all adults suffer from Chronic sleep problems.

In this blog post, I'll be sharing the tips and tricks that helped me break out of my sleeplessness cycle and get a good night's rest!

Crafting a serene "Sleeping Sanctuary" holds the key to minimizing exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and fostering a tranquil environment conducive to restorative sleep.

Here are some practical steps to optimize your sleep space:

  1. Strategic Bed Placement: Position your bed away from electrical outlets and appliances to reduce EMF exposure.
  2. Unplug Electronics: Before bedtime, disconnect all electronics and Wi-Fi routers in your bedroom. Charge your phone in a different room and opt for a battery-operated alarm clock.
  3. EMF Protection: Utilize products like curtains, shielding blankets, and fabrics to protect yourself from EMF radiation.
  4. Diminish Blue Light: Power down electronic devices at least an hour before sleep to minimize exposure to blue light, aiding relaxation and promoting better sleep.
  5. Device Airplane Mode: Switch your phone to airplane mode or turn it off while sleeping to decrease EMF exposure from the device and nearby cell towers.
  6. TV-Free Zone: Keep televisions out of the bedroom to foster a sleep-conducive environment.
  7. Organize Cords: Ensure electrical cords and multi-boxes are kept away from or beneath the bed to minimize EMF exposure.
  8. Electric Blanket Precaution: If using an electric blanket, unplug it before sleep to reduce EMF exposure.
  9. Mindful Bedroom Layout: Avoid positioning TVs or other electronics on the opposite side of the wall from your bed.
  10. Connect with Earthing: Consider sleeping on an Earthing underlay or pillow cover to tap into Earth's natural energy. Research indicates Earthing may alleviate inflammation, stress, and promote relaxation, improving sleep quality.
  11. Integrate Shungite: Introduce Shungite into your space to create a sanctuary. Believed to offer natural energy, Shungite may aid in stress reduction, anxiety alleviation, and inflammation reduction, fostering better sleep.

Establishing a consistent sleep routine and limiting caffeine intake in the late afternoon can further bolster sleep quality. By prioritizing these adjustments, you can significantly enhance your sleep experience and overall well-being.

Remember, even small changes in sleep habits can yield significant benefits for health, performance, and relationships. Embrace the journey toward improved sleep and relish the rewards it brings to your life.

We hope you are able to find a few good 'take aways' from this Blog. Taking small steps to improve your sleep can produced outsized returns to your health and wellbeing, performance, relationships and much more. 

Life is too short to struggle with poor sleep.  

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