3wks ago I tore my calf (Grade 2) and small tear in achilles. I was initially given a cast, I didn't take well to a cast so they had me in a moon boot a day later. They said it will take me 2-3mths to recover. I was in alot of pain. I decided to purchase these, plus a splitter and a single grounding mat for my bed. I opted for the rods. The difference that these all have made in my recovery is undeniably so noticeable, I'm so happy I got them. They work so well with the magnesium calcium and DMSO portocol I'm on. I placed 3 pads on my calf and achilles areas plus 24/7 on the grounding mat. I can feel the electricity sparking in my injured leg. After one week my pain was more bearable...and I didn't need my moon boot. All the bruising came out and I had no more need for any painkillers. My back pain subsided and in my third week I am able to put a little weight on my calf, and do some light isometric stretches. I love that I can unplug but leave the pads on for ease of moving around. I just wish there was a cleaning product for the gel pads to make it easier to re-use them and store them again. Apart from that, excellent quality, and they really do aid in supporting the body to heal itself from straight from papatuanuku :).