10 Reasons You Should Introduce Your Mum to Earthing


Reasons Mom Should Be Earthing To

Most of us are naturally inclined to use nature as a mood and wellness enhancer. People love walking along the beach, listening to birds sing or sitting outside for lunch because it makes us feel better. 

There is also a correlation between the health of mothers and mother earth. We understand how important it is for us to have pure air, clean water, and sunlight but what about the earths energy herself?

Research shows that the negatively charged free electrons on the surface of the earth can help in regulating and rebalancing many of our body's vital systems which when done on a regular basis, can lead to a range of health and wellbeing benefits. 

The smallest units of negative charge are called electrons which will be found literally everywhere. As in every single thing is made up of this energy of electrons. But not all are negatively charged like mother earth is. As soon as you make contact with the Earth via bare skin, you become conductive with your surroundings and you will find them flowing into your body. So far over 20 studies have been done which show a variety of benefits from Earthing. 

Earthing involves bringing free electrons from the ground’s surface into your body through a technique called grounding or earthing yourself. For instance, stepping barefoot on grass outside or using earthing products such as the Grounded Kiwi Earthing mats or pillows which are used when sleeping indoors. 

Any day is a good day to introduce your mother to Earthing. It could just involve giving your mother some earthing experience by going for a walk barefoot to boost her health and well-being courtesy of Mother Nature herself. Or you could grab her a Earthing mat for her bed and she can have this healing connection for 8+ hours every single night as she rests.

Here are ten ways earthing can help to improve your mum’s health:

1. Live Longer With Good Health

As we get older, our bodies accumulate low-grade inflammation that becomes dangerous because it increases disease risk of many types

Preliminary research suggests that during inflammation while neutrophils are circulating around lymphocytes they decrease if one does grounding hence decreasing resolution duration.

By making earthing an integral part of mom’s daily healthy lifestyle, you might actually be helping her to improve her life in the future. It can be something as simple as gardening without gloves, sleeping on an earthing mat or sitting on an indoor earthing pad when she reads a book.

2. Sounder Sleep

Is your mom overwhelmed by her job responsibilities? Or has her sleep quality worsened over time?

Women and men have trouble getting enough good sleep, especially starting from the age of 45-50, often due to chronic stress and anxiety built up from a lifetime of responsibility and stresses. 

One study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found out that earthing may promote better sleep. This is certainitly what we have been hearing from our Grounded Kiwi community. We have found that Earthing has been a positive experience for over 90% of our customers. You can read all the reviews here.

Cortisol is a hormone that helps keep you awake and alert during the day. At night, less cortisol is produced by your body and it helps you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer, with more being produced in the morning for you to get up. When cortisol production is disrupted, its levels remain high in the evenings too leading to sleep disorders.

After six weeks of earthing, nine out of twelve subjects reported improved energy levels during daytime and better sleep at night. All 12 subjects woke up fewer times during their sleeping period at night.

3. Improved Blood Circulation

Your blood carries oxygen, cells and many other things through your body making it very important. Poor oxygenation of blood lead to slow flow caused by heightened viscosity which may contribute to hypertension or even poor circulation.

Researchers who studied earthing and the effect it has on the electrodynamics of blood, using earthing mats decreases blood viscosity. Simply put, through earthing, people can make their blood less thick so that they can be able to improve overall circulation.

People with good blood circulation have slower or completely absent life threatening diseases such as high blood pressure, leg ulcers, stroke and organ damage. Moreover, good circulation may reduce the symptoms of varicose veins, dizziness, muscle cramps and numbness.

  1. Enhanced Pain Management

As we grow old, aches and pains are the most common complaints. The first study about earthing found that there was a remarkable decrease in pain levels among the participants after earthing. Other studies also reported similar findings suggesting that earthing could mitigate pain even without having to use analgesics.

If you are tired of constant pains or aches or take pain relievers every now and then, 10 minutes of earthing might be enough to get you back on track. Some people have said that they experience less night time pain medication after sleeping earthed for several nights at least. Our reviews about earthing and pain management can be read here.

  1. Quicker Immune Response

A strong immune system provides a reduced chance of getting infected or inflamed ,it also recovers faster .Nevertheless,it is possible for the immune system to be weakened by aging challenges and poor living habits.

An accelerated healing process is therefore observed when an individual maintains healthy eating patterns while exercising regularly and leading a healthy lifestyle.

Adding on to your balanced diet and active lifestyle is earthing. Grounding subjects in a pilot study affected measures of immune function as well as symptoms of pain.

6.Reduced Stress

Stress affects everybody especially mothers who find it hard not to put their children’s needs before their own.

Earthing helps control cortisol levels which cause stress when they are too high making people feel anxious; depressed; fatigued; with migraines; adrenal fatigue.

7.Improved Bone Health

Osteoporosis is a widely known illness which comes with age mostly women. It’s characterized by low bone mass decreasing bone tissue occurring in weak bones.

Osteoporosis sufferers are at high risk for broken bones particularly in the hip, spine and wrists.

A cardiology and neurosurgeon couple named K. Sokal and P. Sokal conducted an experiment with earthing using a copper conductor to see how it affects the physiological processes. The researchers found out that grounding reduced the levels of calcium as well as phosphorus in urine of these subjects which may suggest that osteoporosis can be avoided through earthing.

8.Lessened Hormonal Symptoms

Some of the unpleasant menopause symptoms include mood swings, hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, fatigue, thinning or hair loss. If left unmanaged, these conditions can make older women feel grumpy; sluggish; and depressed.

Women who practiced earthing not only had better sleep but also could manage their menopausal symptoms. In this instance one woman reported having less frequent occurrence of hot flushes after 2 months of earthing .Furthermore earthing’s effects on hormonal symptoms still need further studies though there is anecdotal evidence that suggests a study should be done.

  1. Contributes to Weight Management

One of the major contributors to obesity is stress, which is related to increased cortisol levels. If you are a sucker for comfort food then going earthling may help you overcome these problems related to stress and lessen those high cortisol levels. When you are less worried about things, it becomes easier controlling those unhealthy cravings.

10. Increased energy 

When you sleep in connection with the Earth you sleep well, and when you sleep well you wake up refreshed and ready to go. Many of our customers have found that only after a few nights of sleeping on an Earthing mat, they felt they had more energy and with that a better quality of life. 

Earthing and your Mum’s Lifestyle.

The best way to begin with earthing is walking barefoot on grass or sand at the beach. Swims in the ocean or gardening without gloves also help earth outside. 

This is the completely natural way to start. By using an indoor Earthing product you are brining the connection inside the home via a conductive surface like a grounding mat, pillow cover etc. These items become an extension of Mother Earth herself. 

If you have any medical concerns or health issues, especially if taking blood thinning medication it is always best to discuss Earthing with your medical practitioner first. Earthing can act as a natural blood thinner and may require medication adjustments under the guidance of her Doctor. Every single person has a different health journey and Earthing can not be considered a miracle cure but rather a piece of the puzzle to lead a better life. 



If you have any questions, or would like to know more please reach out to: hello@groundedkiwi.nz 

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